Jason Bender
If you watched my promo video, you may recall hearing that in my youth I was picked last for every sport; this is the absolute truth. Baseball, basketball or kickball, it did not matter. I was never overweight nor did I have a disability of any type but I was simply uncoordinated and skinny. After my early years of “riding the pine” in Little League, I went out for the football team my freshman year of high school. A deacon at our church, Shorty Payton, was one of the assistant coaches. Shorty was [like his nickname suggests] a small man in stature, but his gruff presence demanded attention and respect.
When he encouraged me to try out for the team, I pointed out that I barely weighed 120 pounds soaking wet. This prompted Shorty to proudly tell me about his son Bobby who achieved conference honors in football a few years before. I was shocked to see that Bobby was not what I pictured as an award-winning Ohio football player; he was around 5’6” and maybe 165 pounds and received conference honors as a lineman, of all things. Shorty revealed something to me then that continues to be the pillar of my personal goals and the main message of my coaching: hard work and positive mental attitude can make you achieve far beyond your own expectations. While my high school football days were not in the same realm of success as Bobby Payton’s, I did play every single down with maximum effort and I had a couple of small successes. I even sacked the quarterback to secure a victory, blocked a punt for a safety during the Homecoming game and was chosen to be a Captain my senior year.
If I did not take the chance when Shorty Payton laid down the challenge, my life would be vastly different. I hope to share more stories that might possibly get you started on path to a healthier life or push yourself to the next level of your current program.
Extensive training and certifications to help you reach your Martial Arts and fitness goals.
My Experience
2ND Degree Black belt under CORAL BELT MASTER Carlson Gracie Jr with a full accreditation from the International Brazilian Jiujitsu Federation and the united stated Brazilian Jiujitsu Federation
Rank of SANKYU (BROWN BELT) in Judo under 7th Dan Sensei Doug Tono
United States Judo Federation Member and Certified USA Judo Coach
Kru Certification rank of khan 11 from World Muay Thai Organizion and World Muay boran federation directly from grandmaster chinawut ‘woody’ sirisompan
Pre/post natal fitness certified
Fought professional Mixed Martial Arts since 1999
Chicago Golden Gloves semi-finalist 2007
Pilates Mat Certified
Train extensively in Catch Wrestling under Coach Tony Cecchine